The insect pests feed on paddy crops in different stages of growth and complete their lifecycle. Pests of major economic significance include Brown Plant Hopper, Leaf folder, Leaf hopper, Stem borer, Thrips and Gundi bug which causes a severe threat to rice production.
5 Lessons
03:35:00 Hours
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become fundamental to the functioning of our society, quite like electricity and roads.
0 Lessons
Management of crop diseases caused by various phytopathogens needs proper detection and diagnosis of the causal agents.
0 Lessons
Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification (CASI) includes the adoption of zero or minimum tillage, combined with mechanised crop establishment, maintenance of ground cover, crop rotations and diversification and improved nutrition management.
0 Lessons
For bringing inclusive improvement in the functioning of Agricultural Systems across the world, the training and teaching of the discipline of Agricultural Statistics are now of paramount importance.
4 Lessons
13:12:00 Hours
Pests-Categories of Pest-Reasons and Conducive factors for pest outbreak-Pest Risk Analysis-Pest Damage-IPM, Definition and Concepts-Need of IPM
2 Lessons
04:00:17 Hours